Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Okay was anyone else a little disappointed in the Xbox reveal yesterday for E3? I wanted to see a lot more games. Just one girl game would have been nice. Am I right girls? All they had were games that boys are going to like and really I wasn't that impressed in most of them. There was one that looked a little fun where you can create your own world and fight creatures that you create. I thought that game (although I can't remember the title) looked interesting. Smart glass technology was kind of cool. I don't think it will be that cool for people that don't have it (luck for me I do). The game the opened with Son of Rome I think had great graphics, but I hate not being able to chose the option to be a girl! In this time and age there are a lot more girl gamers. I know when I was in high school I was the only girl that went home and did my homework and then jumped onto the Sims or my cube but come on it's not like that anymore! I know just as many girls that love a good game when there boyfriends or husbands are at work, as men. So when making a game it would be nice to take that into consideration. 

Another disappointing thing for me was the price. 499.00 just for the Xbox One, it's no wonder they are going to release a new Xbox 360 as well because I don't think that price is going to go over very well with a lot of Xbox people. I love the idea of endless friends! I have a lot of friends and I hate having to delete someone just because I met a new girl online that seems really cool. I am also really glad that your account carries over that means my achievements are safe. 

When I was watching the EA portion of E3 I have to say that again I wasn't that impressed with the games that the showed. I've never been a fan of plants vs. zombies and most sports games aren't my thing. I do have to say that NBA live14 looked amazing let's see if it actually comes out this year! I don't think it is able to compete with 2k but we will see this up coming year. I was also pretty excited to see Dragon Age coming out with a new game, I am a huge fan of the first two games so that was a nice surprise to me. Mirror's Edge was another game that I was kind of excited for, I played a little bit of it and from what I played it was a really fun game.

I was unable to watch the PS4 reveal, which was a real shame I heard they trashed Xbox through out there presentation. To me that shows either they have really good senses of humors at PlayStation or they are feeling a little intimidated by Xbox. Either way I really don't care. I also heard that their price is only 399.00 which tells me that this year PS4 will be taking over the sales when they are both released (good job Xbox). Like I stated to my fiance. I don't really care if people are buying the Xbox1 because we will be and that's Xbox's fault for making the price so high. So good luck to both PS4 and Xbox1 may the best (or cheapest) system win!

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