Friday, April 19, 2013

Borderlands 2 play? Or no play?

So if you looked at my Lara Croft post then you know what happened to me with Borderlands 2. Basically in a nutshell I had all of my Siren heads and skins, Assassin heads and skins, and only missing one Mechromancer head and a lot of her skins. I got on one day and it was all gone, after contacting Gearbox and them telling me to get them again I swore off the game.

Well a couple of days ago I went back and got the last of my achievements for Borderlands 1 and I was having a blast! I really do love the series but stopped playing because I didn't want to go get all my skins again and I haven't heard anything about a fix yet. Okay so I wanted to ask everyone that reads this do I go back to playing because I miss the game? Or do I continue to not play because I feel like Gearbox doesn't care about its costumers? Also if you do read this and know that the problem with disappearing heads and skins is resolved please let me know! Ugh I'm seriously having a hard time with this one!

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