Thursday, May 30, 2013

Best Frenemies Novels

Hey everyone! Just wanted to share that I only have 9 more chapters to go before my next book Best Frenemies is ready for publishing! I can't wait to get this one out there, I can promise it won't be a let down for anyone that loves young adult or teen drama novels. If you have read my book Boyfriend, then you already know a little about my main character Ash Lynn Summers. Boyfriend basically leaves you wondering what is going to happen to Ash Lynn in California? Well wonder no more! In Best Frenemies you catch up with Ash Lynn and find out that her life in California is amazing. She has the friends she has always wanted. Plus her and Ryan are doing really well. 

Of course being popular isn't that easy and Ash Lynn discovers that you can't always trust the girl that calls you her best friend. When boyfriends turn into ex's and best friends turn into enemies Ash Lynn is left to pick up the pieces and figure out what she is going to do next. She is grateful that she has learned enough from her "friends" to survive the dog eat world of popularity, so she thinks. To find out more about my up coming books or buy my book Boyfriend visit my website:

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